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Online Art Initiatives
We are in the process of creating more online content for kids and adults alike. This past week we were focused on creating Art Kits To-Go with prompts in English and in Spanish and art supplies for you children to use while at home. Stay tuned as there is more exciting #socialdistancingart to be made and we have some ideas for you!
Just because we are apart, doesn’t mean you can’t make art! Choose a prompt or come up with your own. Tag on Instagram—@theartbase with your project, email, or post a video of your creative process.
Solo porque estamos separados, no significa que tu no puedas hacer arte! Elige un modelo o crea un tu propio proyecto y compartélo en Instagram @theartbase, o manda tu proyecto al correo electrónico, o también comparte un video de tu proceso creative.

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